Monday, February 7, 2011

raw food - it shouldn't taste good it's too good for me

During my yoga teacher training I was lucky to be hosted by Cyndi an amazing woman who happened to also be a vegan raw foodist.   While I did have a ten year stint in vegetarianism long ago and far away during my teens (two reasons, I read Upton Sinclair's the The Jungle and maybe a minor way to rebel from a serious hunter family).
 Raw vegan, sounded like a bit much so I had my doubts as to the tastiness and variety that could come with the title vegan raw food.  I was happily surprised to discover that well, not only was she a phenomenal raw foodist (cook) but when done right raw food can be surprisingly some of the best most simple healthy food I've ever gotten to feel good about eating.  My host without trying to verbally convert me, made the most convincing arguments to make me want to convert through the food she prepared.  No hidden fats, no preservatives, no crazy unpronounceables, no artificial whatnots, no hormones, no pesticides (if organic) and when done right it's got loads of flavor, texture and color.. What's not to like about any of that.. oh wait.. no meat, no eggs, no CHEESE.. unless you're not in the vegan/vegetarian realm of things and you're ok with steak tartar and sushi.  

For those of you who don't know about raw foodism it consists of folks who are against heating food above a certain temperature because beyond that temperature vital nutrients and enzymes from the food get destroyed.  Who want's that..  Oh wait I do.. I would miss brownies, cookies, sausage, gumbo, bread, lasagna and everything else that I will eventually post about I'm sure.. 

To finish up I just wanted to say I'm glad I have opened my pallet up to even more things to play with in the kitchen and out and about.  Below is a picture of the live foods offered at Greenlife Groceries (bought out by Whole Foods) in Asheville, NC.  There is a fun sprouted quinoa salad, a carrot salad with curry powder and sesame balls with a wasabi dipping sauce.  The sesame balls are my favorite when they are fresh and squishy the quinoa salad was wonderful as well but I could have lived without the carrot sallad.  I will definitely have to play around with my own versions of these items and add raw food into my culinary repertoire.  

It's alive!!! (Yes, I know I need a real camera.  One day, after I get another real job.)

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