Friday, November 25, 2011

who needs teeth

My mother raised me on the belief that we need vitamins.. While in my heart I feel like we can't possibly need vitamins if we are healthy, eating a healthy, varied diet and properly absorbing the nutrients from said diet..
Logically my mind knows that I don't always eat the healthy varied diet and it is quite addicted to the novelty of ingesting extra nutrients in pill form.  Probiotic pills for friendly bacteria, vitamin d (for those of us that live up north and are more than likely deficient in this much needed vitamin), vitamin c which is water soluble but is easily destroyed by heat (so those of you who drink your emergen-c hot are loosing it's usefulness), fish oil for  a tiny dose of healthy oil (my Dr. recommended I take it for dry eyes), B vitamin mix for supposed mood elevating properties..  When I was looking at my pile of vitamin supplements this morning it hit me.. in the future we will probably not need teeth.  

food is for wimps.. I don't even know what the black one is.. 

Just a little warning note though I don't partake of my vitamin ritual every day (it's more like once or twice a week) because I think it's healthier to give your body a break from processing a surplus of nutrients.  While some vitamins are water soluble others are fat soluble and linger in the body, overdosing on them can cause many bad side effects.  

1 comment:

  1. I 100% agree with everything you said. Wow. And if we didn't have dentist visits! Yay!
