Monday, November 21, 2011


Ok..  After what feels like an eternity of job hunting my resume finally gets past the first stage and I get an interview and I even do good at the interview.. in fact I'm a sparkling beacon of employable smart cookie type person..  Somehow magically, I'm even offered a job upon completion of the interview.. I am on my way to being a lady with and income again, sweet!!.. then we hit the glitch.  It's one of those paranoid companies that do drug test, no I do not do drugs, I'm clean as a whistle in that aspect of my life.. while I may divulge in junk food and an occasional evening cocktail or three, the realm of illegal substances has not been of any interest to me.. 

However, I do love toast, I love toast with eggs, jam, pasta, sandwiches, etc... and I usually opt for the whole grain, stuff speckled with nuts and seeds.. sadly toast is potentially going to be my undoing.. I did not think of this complication when I was purchasing my grains and seed filled loaf of bread.. f'bomb.. poppy seeds.. beautiful little gun metal grey specks that add crunch to my multi-grain bread can give a false positive to opiates, but so can things like ibuprofen (so be careful).. What to do now?  Drink lots of juice, take my B vitamins, drink some Coffee, drink some water then pee and pray that karma for being a good girl and a non drug user actually pays off. 

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