If you have low to no tolerance to caffeine like me, choosing tea is a slightly mellower alternative to the heart palpitating that results from having a cup of joe. I posted a while back about my favorite coffee shops I've encountered in my travels. I recently got to revisit the Dripalator, located in Black Mountain, not to be confused with the Dripalator in Asheville. I still say Black Mountain Dripalator is way better than the hipster alternative. Maybe that biased comes from the fact that the Black Mountain Dripalator carries matte. Matte is a tea that can be described as earthy. But being completely honest it really just tastes like what I would imagine really delicious dirt strained with hot water would taste like. Matte, when I'm feeling like indulging in caffeine and not quite up for the full impact of coffee still has quite a punch.
The Black Mountain Dripalator (I'm not mean enough to abbreviate it) people are really nice they let me alter my matte latte with the delicious coffee special they were having. Maple pumpkin spice matte. No, this is not the like the majority of pumpkin spiced drinks I've encountered that have been over spiced things that in my mind probably taste like a liquid form of the cinnamon challenge. No, this is the proper incarnation of the holidays in a cup just a light touch of the spices that make up pumpkin deserts balanced out with delicious drinkable dirt.
Clearly coffee is superior. Hahahaha. Long live the evil bean!!!!!