Friday, February 7, 2014

disappointment town too small to be a city

The hopes were big.. The disappointment was tangible but not unforgivable.   Kettle chips latest and greatest is a flavor very close to my heart.  Memories of pancakes doused generously in syrup and a side of cured piggy meat to casually dip into the excess run off.  Yes oh yes salty and sweet a favorite combination.  Sadly the chips do not deliver that salty bacon and maple tongue dancing combo. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

In a jar, at a bar, near or far

Salsa at the store is tricky.. it rarely is as good as can be made at home and it most definitely is not as good as a quality salsa bar in a good Mexican restaurant.  When I have time I prefer to chop up some onion, tomato, cilantro with a squeeze of lime and few pinches of salt.  Most days I don't have much time and on those days I like to have a ready made jar for all my salty chip and dip snack times. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

False like those eyelashes

I got suckered into believing the delicious looking picture on the package would be waiting for me on the inside.. it was lies.. tragic, tragic lies.  unfortunately the center did not contain peanut butter like the picture promised, it instead contained some dry brick that may have been derived long ago from peanut butter.. Justin's I'm disappointed in you.
welcome to disappointment city

Sunday, September 22, 2013

pesto~ish (aka the ish post)

Life is sometimes too busy to cook let alone to post about food on a blog that I never plan on making a living with.  Between working weekends and sleep writing has been far from my list of important things to take care of.. sadly it has taken its place long after do laundry and organize shoes.  Luckily I do still find the time to eat and occasionally make something from scratch.  This week I was gifted green tomatoes from someones garden.  I am not talented at frying things; so fried green tomatoes was out.  For those that have not had green tomatoes before they are tart and very hard when not cooked and I was not sure I felt adventurous enough to make some type of fresh salad that could potentially be too crunchy to eat.  After debating on what to do with these pretty green things I decided that roasting them and making some sort of sauce sounded like the way to go.  Thus began the story of the birth of Green Tomato Pesto Spread...

Sunday, June 23, 2013

I'm a bakey baker

I would never dream to claim to have much of anything in the realm of baking skills. I am not a fan of measuring if you haven't noticed from my haphazard quantity descriptions. I'm a big fan of pretty close and within reason. That being said I've never been one to dabble into the art of breads and I will probably never touch pastries outside of buying them at shops that have pretty tarts and fancy cakes that they delicately place into boxes that are deftly tied up in string. I admit that I make cookies and occasionally I dabble in the cake world but the results are always deliciously unpredictable. Sometimes my cake weighs as much small dog and sometimes my cookies have a texture closer to cake.