Friday, February 7, 2014

disappointment town too small to be a city

The hopes were big.. The disappointment was tangible but not unforgivable.   Kettle chips latest and greatest is a flavor very close to my heart.  Memories of pancakes doused generously in syrup and a side of cured piggy meat to casually dip into the excess run off.  Yes oh yes salty and sweet a favorite combination.  Sadly the chips do not deliver that salty bacon and maple tongue dancing combo. 
They were definitely still good.  But missing that extra punch that said mm bacon.. even the maple was a little weak.  It definitely tasted sweet but more cane sugar sweet than syrup.. I would have even settled for log cabin flavored syrup.. but it was really more just cane sugar with a hint of maple if you concentrated with an after taste of smokey. All in all try it but don't expect the moon like I did.  You will just get a flashlight. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh how to compare the moon, chips and a flashlight? Yes! Too funny
