Thursday, April 26, 2012

so stinky

I don't always make pretty, but I usually make delicious.  Breakfast.. I'm a lazy breakfast maker, so I like to keep it simple, quick and honestly preferably somebody else makes it and serves it to me when I'm in bed..  maybe it has something to do with not being a fan of the first 4 hours in the morning..  Maybe..

Asparagus Omelet and Lentils
Asparagus - cut into tiny bite sized portions
Cheese of choice - the cheese can make or break a dish chose wisely, I picked a sharp cheddar with dried shallots in it from Whole Foods... amazing..
1 egg for 1 girl
1 tbs of water
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup Left over lentils reheated for breakfast fiber fun..
oil - I used coconut oil but anything works.. especially butter :)

Heat oil in pan, saute asparagus till tender.  Mix egg, water, salt, pepper, and cheese.  Pour egg mixture on asparagus and cook till flip worthy state has been achieved. Plate and devour when both sides are cooked.

Warning: consuming this recipe may lead to stinky pee later.    


you will remember me later when you tinkle

1 comment:

  1. But what if you're a man and you don't 'tinkle'? Is asparagoo sans tinkle forgotten? Great post....LOL for real
