Thursday, April 19, 2012

long before modern technologies

Life without a microwave.. I'm not one of those hippies that are afraid of the microwaves.. My science background just won't allow that type of nonsense.. However.. the place I'm currently residing at right now is sans microwave and I'm learning to adjust.. I feel I'm doing it fairly well and I'm really loving the results.  

Re-heated chicken Parmesan with marinara and spaghetti..  The best part is that the cheese on the chicken gets all melty fried like cheese heated in a pan gets and the chicken keeps a firm texture and doesn't get all rubbery like microwaves sometimes make things.  I think I could get used to this. 

still mmm 2nd time round 

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you, love my microwave, but some things are better stovetop. When they invented electric stoves some proto-hippy probably protested "OMG electrified food..." Can't wait for nuclear ovens.
