Thursday, October 17, 2013

In a jar, at a bar, near or far

Salsa at the store is tricky.. it rarely is as good as can be made at home and it most definitely is not as good as a quality salsa bar in a good Mexican restaurant.  When I have time I prefer to chop up some onion, tomato, cilantro with a squeeze of lime and few pinches of salt.  Most days I don't have much time and on those days I like to have a ready made jar for all my salty chip and dip snack times. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

False like those eyelashes

I got suckered into believing the delicious looking picture on the package would be waiting for me on the inside.. it was lies.. tragic, tragic lies.  unfortunately the center did not contain peanut butter like the picture promised, it instead contained some dry brick that may have been derived long ago from peanut butter.. Justin's I'm disappointed in you.
welcome to disappointment city