Thursday, February 16, 2012


I'm not all about buying into packaging and advertising.. but when my favorite salty snack Barbara's baked Cheese Puffs changed their packaging design I first thought that the store discontinued the only large bag of chips that I can consume entirely in one sitting and only feel slightly guilty about  I was at first heartbroken for the missing cheese puffs until I began to look for an alternate cheese puff brand to consume that's when realized that the puke brown bag with a barely noticeable slightly darker puke brown heart and a nice picture of cheese with an awkward pile of cheese puffs piled in front was in fact the same bag of cheese puffs I'd been buying.  Ugh... Package change.. why do companies do this, it seems like a waste of time and money.. how much does it really help with sales?

Anyway, I really usually would say I only care about the quality  of the product and the ingredients  used to make the product and I know Barbara's Baked Cheese Puffs meet all my not so rigid requirements of junk food and it's wholesomeness.. They honestly are a quality product for a fair price and they taste better than any cheese puff on the market. hands down. Even if they don't look cheesy because they're not obscenely florescent orange, that's actually a good thing.  If you were blind folded and you have tastebuds at all you would realize how deliciously cheesy they are.  They're still junk food though, I will not fool myself that chips are ever good for me even if sometimes I sprinkle psyllium husk on them to up my fiber intake so I feel slightly less guilty about consuming them.  If you didn't click the link psyllium husk is a insoluble fiber that can be used in small to moderate quantities to help with digestive troubles but in large quantities can ahem.. can cause digestive troubles.  So remember everything in moderation except chocolate.. 

Maybe I'm being harsh maybe I'm just worked up about this other blog post I came across (that I refuse to link to my blog because that would just give her more hits and I've decided I don't like her even though I don't know her) but she's a design student who feels that graphic design artists are better than classic studio artists because they make everyday objects pretty for the common man and have big budgets to back them up.. I don't want to get into it any further and I should probably just chalk it up to one of those people that you shouldn't argue with because they won't hear anything.  

What the chip aisle says as I walk down it..

don't buy me i can't be delicious in this bag
look how fun this bag is (no i've never tried it but the bag makes me think i want to)

a sea of kettle chips, you will will stand indecisively in front of us for 20 min
a simple clean design, i may taste good, i may taste weirdly healthy

trust us our name means earth and our packages are bright and shiny like we come from the future
( i am a fan of the sweets and beets)

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