Thursday, February 23, 2012

is it breakfast time?

There is a time in the early morning when it is not quite dinner any longer and it's not quite breakfast yet. Let's say that time is around 2 am.. If you are awake for whatever late night debauchery had unfolded or maybe you're just an insomniac.. and you find yourself wandering the dimly lit streets of the Southerly Capitol Hill area Seattle and in your limbo of dinner - breakfast you are leaning towards dinner and quick cheap Mexican. sounds about right.. you will find two dollar tacos at Tacos Gringos.. The menu is limited, but tasty, they're open till 2:30 - 3 am depending on the day and it won't hurt your pocket like the rest of the night may have.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I'm not all about buying into packaging and advertising.. but when my favorite salty snack Barbara's baked Cheese Puffs changed their packaging design I first thought that the store discontinued the only large bag of chips that I can consume entirely in one sitting and only feel slightly guilty about  I was at first heartbroken for the missing cheese puffs until I began to look for an alternate cheese puff brand to consume that's when realized that the puke brown bag with a barely noticeable slightly darker puke brown heart and a nice picture of cheese with an awkward pile of cheese puffs piled in front was in fact the same bag of cheese puffs I'd been buying.  Ugh... Package change.. why do companies do this, it seems like a waste of time and money.. how much does it really help with sales?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Eat me

Sandwich bliss... I found sandwich bliss at the Baguette Box just a little south of Capital Hill.. maybe it's in Capital Hill I'm not very good at the specifics of where geographical lines start and stop either way it's right off Pike street just past the bridge if you're going up the hill.  

Thursday, February 2, 2012


It doesn't look like much. But after a bad day/week.. It's my sanity in a cup. Some people drink alcohol, some people smoke their choice of smoke-able plants, others dabble with a variety of other "recreational drugs" me.. I need something much more hearty and satisfying.. The answer for me is Chocolate. I am absolutely mad about chocolate..