Monday, August 22, 2011

no entry, no key

Gnocchi, sounds like no-ki or nyo-ki not g-no-chi and if you can say nyo you should pat yourself on the back it's tricky.  Gnocchi is an easy to make pasta that doesn't require more kitchen gadgets than even the most barren kitchen.  Seriously, not including the heating elements of this dish gnocchi could be made using a fork and a counter top or if you're feeling really primal you could probably do it all with your hands you just might not have fun playing hot potato in real life.  

Monday, August 15, 2011

so free

Gluten free for some is just the latest dietary trend, for others it is a necessity to maintain a pain/allergy free digestive experience.  My friend Julie is of the latter type with the addition of some other allergies like yeast and dairy so I have been exploring allergy free options for her (this only happens when she visits, I like my allergens otherwise).

Monday, August 8, 2011

hot girls

Hanging out at one of the many delicious Kaladi Bros coffee shops (Kaladi's; best coffee in AK hands down) with a few friends conversing about coffee while drinking teas, nothing spectacular or philosophical just normal enjoyable chatter.. I am only writing about the experience to share one snippet of the conversation.  It made us laugh because it's so perfectly true.  To clarify one of the group is a Spaniard with a very good vocabulary and very good, clear English conversing skills.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


My Asian descendant tummy does not love dairy, my American tongue does.  It's a war that I am not always prepared for with enzyme supplements (yes, Amazon is my favorite shop ever) when a delicious dairy treat attacks from nowhere and demands to be consumed.  I know some would say just give up dairy entirely.. I say that is for people far braver than I.  For I have many times in my life attempted to like some kind of nicotine addict made the switch to soy, coconut milk or even the pricey hemp milk unfortunately it doesn't substitute well enough for my liking, the cheeses don't taste or feel like cheese should and the mouth feel and sweetness of soy/coconut/hemp/almond etc.. is all wrong for cereal and absolutely doesn't work for chowders.  Besides they are all so processed that I'm not sure they can/'t be all that good for you either.