Monday, October 24, 2011

quick like a bunny

While I sometimes splurge and love to cook epic meals that take hours to prepare I mostly depend on daily quickies that are simple and sometimes college-esque (i.e. raid the mostly empty fridge and find inspiration from randomness).  Tonight's creation was a little Mediterranean number....

Ingredients: (apx. 2 small servings or one hungry person)

Angel hair pasta - or other pasta of choice
Fresh Tomatoes - 1 large or 4 small - cut into small bite sized chunks
Mix and match selection from the local olive bar - cut into small bites
Olive oil - 1 tbs
Feta Cheese - about 2 tbs crumbled
Italian Seasoning - to taste
Salt - to taste
Pepper - to taste


Cook pasta as directed on box.  heat tomatoes up in olive oil on low/med-low to warm and soften, add olives till warmed (just a few min so it's not like a cold pasta salad).  In a large bowl add pasta to tomato, olive mix  then toss with, feta cheese, Italian seasoning, more olive oil, salt and pepper to liking.  

nummers in10 min or less

1 comment:

  1. most important question of all! do you time the pasta whilst boiling? Yes I say!!!!
